Can Modi clean the Ganges, India's biggest sewage line?

Standing on the banks of the river Ganges a day after his election triumph, Prime Minister Narendra Modi vowed to succeed where numerous governments have failed: by cleaning up the filthy waterway beloved of India's Hindus.

Is there really cash in your company's trash?

One company's trash can be another's treasure. Take Marmite. Made from a by-product of commercial beer production, the yeast-based spread has topped toast throughout the Commonwealth for decades. By recuperating the waste ...

How to create wealth from waste and reduce our landfill

While Australia's rich stocks of raw mineral resources have contributed to the nation's wealth and given us a competitive advantage we are also one of the highest waste producing nations in the world (on a per capita basis).

Sugar cane waste use as component of hydraulic concrete

Hydraulic concrete is one of the most-used construction materials around the world. Portland cement is its principal component, but during its production a lot of energy is needed, and big volumes of greenhouse gases like ...

Researchers grapple with UK's nuclear legacy

The University of Leeds will lead a consortium of 10 universities in a national research programme looking at ways of dealing with Britain's nuclear waste.

Second life for waste paper in the construction industry

Cellulose, the primary ingredient in paper, is a highly efficient insulator and could offer the construction industry an effective, environmentally friendly alternative to convention insulation. However, until now there has ...

Cleaning up behind the fashion industry

A reagent capable of removing colour left in the waste water used in the textile industry is an improvement, but choosing quality dyes would lead to less pollution alltogether.

New thermocell could harvest 'waste heat'

( —Harvesting waste heat from power stations and even vehicle exhaust pipes could soon provide a valuable supply of electricity.

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