Robot 3-D prints replacement bracket on headlamp

In a world first, Swinburne's Repairbot project has achieved a major milestone, using a robot to successfully 3-D print a replacement lug on an automotive headlamp assembly.

Badminton-playing robot tests software designs of the future

The drive to decrease the ecological impact of production machines is leading manufactures to focus on novel ways to incorporate energy efficiency in the designing of new products. One answer is the first-ever badminton playing ...

Dutch city to unveil world's first 3D-printed housing complex

The southern Dutch city of Eindhoven plans to unveil the world's first 3-D-printed housing complex next year, which its inventors believe could revolutionise the building industry by speeding up and customising construction.

Interactive control to guide industrial robots

Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU have developed an innovative technology enabling people and large industrial robots to work together in an intuitive way that feels a lot ...

Mobile robots support airplane manufacturers

In production facilities, robots, and people will soon be working side-by-side. A new mobile assistant is intended to support technicians in the airplane manufacturing industry when applying sealant, measuring, and testing ...

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