MIT startup wraps food in silk for better shelf life

Benedetto Marelli, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering at MIT, was a postdoc at Tufts University's Omenetto Lab when he stumbled upon a novel use for silk. Preparing for a lab-wide cooking competition ...

Epoxy resins: Hardening at the push of a button

Within seconds the new material can be completely transformed. Initially, the material is transparent and either in liquid or paste form; then, when any part of it is irradiated with the appropriate light, the entire resin ...

Graphene heat-transfer riddle unraveled

Researchers have solved the long-standing conundrum of how the boundary between grains of graphene affects heat conductivity in thin films of the miracle substance—bringing developers a step closer to being able to engineer ...

China's Baidu search engine launches English blog

Chinese search engine giant Baidu has launched an English-language blog on the country's online culture, a company spokesman said Tuesday, as the firm looks to expand into overseas markets.

New '4-D' transistor is preview of future computers

(—A new type of transistor shaped like a Christmas tree has arrived just in time for the holidays, but the prototype won't be nestled under the tree along with the other gifts.

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