Report: NSA cracked most online encryption

The National Security Agency, working with the British government, has secretly been unraveling encryption technology that billions of Internet users rely upon to keep their electronic messages and confidential data safe ...

Glyphosate: where is it banned or restricted?

One of the world's most popular weedkillers, glyphosate, has divided the scientific and health community, prompting several countries either to ban or limit its use.

Researchers watch skin cells 'walk' to wounds

Skin cells typically spend their entire existence in one place on your body. But Washington State University researchers have seen how the cells will alter the proteins holding them in place and move to repair a wound.

Researchers create artificial materials atom-by-atom

Researchers at Aalto University have manufactured artificial materials with engineered electronic properties. By moving individual atoms under their microscope, the scientists were able to create atomic lattices with a predetermined ...

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