Designer emulsions

ETH material researchers are developing a method with which they can coat droplets with controlled interfacial composition and coverage on demand in an emulsion in order to stabilise them. In doing so they are fulfilling ...

Microrobots armed with new force-sensing system to probe cells

Inexpensive microrobots capable of probing and manipulating individual cells and tissue for biological research and medical applications are closer to reality with the design of a system that senses the minute forces exerted ...

Exploring Indian genetic heritage in present-day Thailand

A new genetic analysis reveals novel insights into the genetic heritage of people living in Thailand in the present day, which suggest the potential importance of past migrations in spreading Indian culture to the region. ...

World record resolution in cryo electron microscopy

Holger Stark from the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen and his team have broken a crucial resolution barrier in cryo electron microscopy. For the first time, his group succeeded in observing individual ...

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