Insects in the light of land use and climate

Worldwide, scientists have reported mounting evidence that the quantity and diversity of insects are declining; in politics and society, these findings have raised great concern.

Health check upgrade for the world's wildlife

Scientists have proposed a new way to assess the health of wildlife in biodiversity hotspots, to better protect animals and bolster conservation efforts.

New norms needed to name never-seen fungi

What's in a name? The importance of accurate fungal taxonomy New Zealand's horticultural and agricultural economy relies on effective biosecurity. This requires keeping major pests and pathogens out of Aotearoa, as well as ...

Less precipitation means less plant diversity

Water is a scarce resource in many of the Earth's ecosystems. This scarcity is likely to increase in the course of climate change. This, in turn, might lead to a considerable decline in plant diversity. Using experimental ...

Dinosaur species: 'Everyone's unique'

"Everyone's unique" is a popular maxim. All people are equal, but there are of course individual differences. This was no different with dinosaurs. A study by researchers at the University of Bonn and the Dinosaur Museum ...

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