Indigenous knowledge can be key to fighting climate change

While indigenous communities have developed knowledge over centuries to manage their lands and adapt to challenges such as rising sea levels or wildfires, they are still deeply affected by climate change. Two University of ...

Protecting Indigenous bush foods and medicines against biopiracy

The use of Indigenous knowledge and resources—including bush foods and bush medicines—is increasingly on-trend. Cosmetics, pharmaceutical giants and large food producers are vying for everything from access to monopoly ...

Astronomy in Indigenous knowledge

Indigenous Australians have been developing complex knowledge systems for tens of thousands of years. These knowledge systems - which seek to understand, explain, and predict nature - are passed to successive generations ...

Nepal's rich indigenous medical knowledge is under threat

Nepal is a diverse demography with over 125 ethnic communities. It is equally rich in biodiversity. The diverse ethnic communities have a rich repertoire of knowledge related to the use of the herbs and animals for medicinal ...

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