Study finds Indigenous culture boosts children's outcomes

The research, published in the International Journal of Intercultural Relations, analysed data from Australia's Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children to better understand the link between the health and social wellbeing ...

Study explores how Native Americans used sea otters

University of Oregon scientists are probing archaeological evidence for how indigenous peoples used sea otters, and their findings could help Alaskans confront growing numbers of the mammals and Oregonians who want to reintroduce ...

Exploring Indian genetic heritage in present-day Thailand

A new genetic analysis reveals novel insights into the genetic heritage of people living in Thailand in the present day, which suggest the potential importance of past migrations in spreading Indian culture to the region. ...

How social media help save an endangered language

There was a time when everyone living in Michigan grew up speaking the native language of the area's indigenous people. Now less than 10 people born in the state are fluent, yet more than 2,700 people "like" the language ...

Corn connects many generations of Maya

That corn was highly important in the Maya culture is something that Genner Llanes Ortiz, himself a Maya from the Mexican province of Yucatan, has always known, right from his childhood. But just how important the role of ...

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