Human actions impact wild salmon's ability to evolve

Once spring-run chinook salmon disappear, they are not likely to re-emerge, indicates genetic analysis of the revered wild fish in a study led by the University of California, Davis. Prompt conservation action could preserve ...

Preserving Aboriginal language with technology ​

When a language dies, a whole swathe of cultural practices and perceptions die too. In Australia, people are using technology to preserve and celebrate language and culture.

Video games encourage Indigenous cultural expression

Video games are robust forms of creative expression merging design, code, art and sound. Unfortunately, many games misrepresent or appropriate from Indigenous communities by falling back on stereotypes or including cultural ...

'Reading' songs and nurturing culture in the Philippines

Preserving cultural heritage, including access to and use of ancestral lands, can be a real challenge for indigenous communities. A range of cultural memory recall and music workshops with the indigenous Ata of the Philippines ...

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