Measuring pesticide quantity alone does not determine the risk

Reducing the risks to humans and the environment from pesticide use is crucial to agricultural and environmental policy worldwide. In Switzerland, two popular initiatives are currently seeking drastic restrictions on the ...

Cherry-picking undermines sustainability reporting

Companies may be cherry-picking sustainability measures that make them look good, while huge variation in what's reported makes meaningful comparisons across firms impossible, a new international study shows.

Study looks at gray seal impact on beach water quality

(—Scientists from the newly created Northwest Atlantic Seal Research Consortium (NASRC) are using data collected by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) to investigate whether seals may impact beach ...

Research delivers near real-time water quality results

Ongoing research by Mercyhurst University biologists intended to expand and expedite testing for potential pathogens in beach water at Presque Isle State Park has resulted in a new method that delivers near real-time water ...

How new online tool accurately measures inflation

Inflation is a crucial economic indicator, since rising prices can hurt consumers and trigger political discontent. It is also hard to measure. In the United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics employees track over 20,000 ...

Gift Guide: Accessories to jazz up mobile phones

People you know have spent small fortunes on shiny new smart phones such as the iPhone 3GS, a BlackBerry or the Droid. But the devices still don't have all the features they want.

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