Cyclone Freddy record claim in the eye of the storm

Cyclone Freddy's extraordinary journey will be reviewed in minute detail to verify whether its deadly track counts as the longest-lasting tropical storm, the world extreme weather records chief told AFP.

New index helps identify 55 unprotected marine protected areas

A new Paper Park Index (PPI) developed by researchers at the University of British Columbia's Sea Around Us initiative helped identify 55 marine protected areas (MPAs) across the world where enough fishing takes place to ...

What makes Cyclone Freddy an exceptional storm

Cyclone Freddy, which has twice smashed into the African coast after traversing the Indian Ocean, may be enshrined in the history books as the longest ever documented, meteorologists say.

A deeper dive into wintry, carbon-absorbing Antarctic waters

Every year as the austral winter sets in, frigid Antarctic air blasts the Southern Ocean. The chill dissipates the warmth of the ocean's surface water, and cold, dense layers form in the sea's upper reaches. Known as Subantarctic ...

Research reveals how climate change threatens Asia's water tower

Tibet is known as the "Water Tower of Asia," providing water to about 2 billion people and supporting critical ecosystems in High Mountain Asia and the Tibetan Plateau, where many of the largest Asian river systems originate. ...

A glance at the world's deadliest quakes in past 25 years

A magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook Turkey and Syria on Monday, killing thousands of people in the two countries. The death toll is expected to rise as rescuers working in cold and snow look for trapped people in the rubble ...

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