Mobile shines in exploding world of games

The booming popularity of play on smartphones or tablet computers in a realm once dominated by videogame consoles was a hot theme at the major Game Developers Conference that ended on Friday.

Apple to seek safeguards for iPhone contact lists

Apple on Wednesday said application developers will have to get express permission from users before tapping into contact information stored in its popular gadgets, in a move to address privacy concerns.

Google, other Silicon Valley firms nurture app developers

They crowd the lobby of Google's Building 43 one evening a month, waiting to climb the wide stairway under a mock-up of the world's first private spacecraft, SpaceShipOne, prepared to delve deep into the Internet giant's ...

Better in beta? Why early access games are a double-edged sword

Imagine you see a new book by your favourite author. Unlike most books, this one is not finished yet. The author will send you updates when they are available so you can see the story develop as it is written. You are even ...

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