Obama sharpens jobs element of energy pitch

President Barack Obama, turning briefly to his eclipsed domestic agenda Thursday, called on the nation's businesses to make fresh investments in clean energy technology that lay a foundation for long-term American prosperity.

US begins review of new Keystone pipeline route

The US State Department on Friday launched an environmental review of a new route proposed for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline that would transport oil from Canada's tar sands.

California adopts extensive 'cap-and-trade' plan

(AP) -- California formally adopted the nation's most comprehensive so-called "cap-and-trade" system Thursday, an experiment by the world's eighth-largest economy that is designed to provide financial incentives for polluters ...

Apple to seek safeguards for iPhone contact lists

Apple on Wednesday said application developers will have to get express permission from users before tapping into contact information stored in its popular gadgets, in a move to address privacy concerns.

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