Study shows independent voters believe they are not being heard

Independent voters are vitally important to the 2010 election in Ohio and are very unhappy with the political system, according to focus group research stemming from the latest Akron Buckeye Poll by The University of Akron's ...

Mass. Cape Wind gets thumbs up, thumbs down

(AP) -- With federal approval behind them, developers of what would be the nation's first offshore wind farm still have a tough journey ahead before finally producing power in the waters off Cape Cod.

Solar power could provide 10% of US energy: report

The United States could source 10 percent of its electricity from solar power by 2030, a report said Tuesday, winning support from a US lawmaker who wants to boost the number of US solar panels.

Judges on trial: How to promote judicial accountability

Public employees have long been subject to performance reviews that evaluate how well they are performing their jobs. But can judges, public employees who literally hold the power of life and death in their hands, be assessed ...

Google, other Silicon Valley firms nurture app developers

They crowd the lobby of Google's Building 43 one evening a month, waiting to climb the wide stairway under a mock-up of the world's first private spacecraft, SpaceShipOne, prepared to delve deep into the Internet giant's ...

Charter schools, studied

( -- Set in Boston’s Hyde Park neighborhood, an area not known for its excellent schools, the Boston Preparatory Charter Public School nonetheless has an enviable academic record: Last spring, 100 percent of ...

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