Mechanism to form influenza A virus discovered

The influenza A virus is known to form new strains every year. These strains are the result of small variations occurring at the level of the genome, which cause the virus to change and become unfamiliar to the immune system. ...

Are we on the right road to driverless cars?

There is much ongoing research into autonomous road vehicles and experimental cars and heavy-goods vehicles have already hit the roads. A paper published in the International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management ...

Star Trek's formula for sustainable urban innovation

On the long-running television series Star Trek, the characters were knowledge workers and did not seem to worry about food, lodging or acceptance. Theirs was an inclusive society, one that collaboratively practised sustainable ...

How to build functional and more appealing winter cities

How do you make winter cities more functional and appealing? The answer lies in social inclusion and economic engagement, according to new research by University of Alberta experts in human geography and urban planning.

This index measures progress and sustainability better than GDP

Conventionally, economists use gross domestic product (GDP) to estimate the sustainability of the economy and the quality of societal welfare. However, this approach is not only incorrect and logically flawed, but also in ...

Redesign dating apps to lessen racial bias, study recommends

Mobile dating apps that allow users to filter their searches by race – or rely on algorithms that pair up people of the same race – reinforce racial divisions and biases, according to a new paper by Cornell researchers.

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