Civic solidarity under the microscope

Recent crises have shown how the idea of European solidarity is stronger than the sum of the governments supposed to enact it. The TransSOL project considered the roots of civil society-led solidarity and the conditions that ...

Coming out at work is not a one-off event

For many LGBTIQ+ workers coming out is a never-ending process. A recent study in the UK shows coming out at work is still a problem. Our research, to be launched in Sydney on August 27, supports this finding and further ...

Eight-carat diamond smashed in the name of science

At the University of Melbourne, a rare, eight-carat diamond has been smashed to smithereens in a bid to discover the secrets of its origin and a potential 'mother lode' of diamonds.

Cracking open diamonds for messages from the deep earth

Geochemist Yaakov Weiss deals in diamonds. Not the brilliant jewelry-store kind, but the flawed, dirty-looking ones used more for industry than decoration. Gem-grade diamonds are generally pure crystallized carbon, ...

The science behind spite

Psychology, biology, and mathematics have come together to show that the occurrence of altruism and spite - helping or harming others at a cost to oneself - depends on similarity not just between two interacting individuals ...

Housing a barrier to settlement

In Australia's competitive private housing market, the chances of securing a property without references or a hefty bond are slim to none.

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