Incentives slow rainforest destruction, researcher says

( -- Tropical rainforests are the biggest defense against global warming, absorbing 50 percent more carbon than other kinds of forests. Yet they are disappearing at a rate of about 11 million hectares a year.

Germany might miss electric car target, official says

Germany will miss its target of one million electric cars on its roads by 2020 without more incentives, the country's coordinator on electric transport policy warned on Wednesday.

Energy guzzler Singapore boosts 'green' buildings

From the bone-chilling air conditioning that pumps through Singapore's malls and offices to lights that burn all night, the city state is one of Asia's most intensive energy users.

Reducing cash bite of wind power

The State of Illinois is facing an important renewable energy deadline in 2025, and Northwestern University's Harold H. Kung has a piece of advice for Springfield to consider now: Investment Tax Credit.

Canada basks in role as global special effects hub

Canada's westernmost province of British Columbia, one of the top regions for filmmaking outside of Hollywood, is rapidly gaining prominence as a world leader in animation and special effects.

Microsoft pledges Windows developers generosity

(AP) -- Microsoft Corp. is stepping up its competition with Apple and plans to give developers who write software for Windows computers and devices a greater share of revenue sold through the company's upcoming Windows Store.

Property tax confusion pokes Facebook in Oregon

(AP) -- The promise of lucrative tax breaks helped persuade Facebook to build a data center in one of Oregon's most economically depressed counties. Now, the state and the company are in a dispute over how much Facebook ...

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