Electron vortices in graphene detected for the first time

When an ordinary electrical conductor—such as a metal wire—is connected to a battery, the electrons in the conductor are accelerated by the electric field created by the battery. While moving, electrons frequently collide ...

Thermoelectrics: From heat to electricity

A lot of heat gets lost during the conversion of energy. Estimates even put it at more than 70%. However, in thermoelectric materials, such as those being studied at the Institute of Solid State Physics at TU Wien, heat can ...

Not all ions in tokamaks go with the flow

For the first time, scientists are measuring the rotation of the main (deuterium) plasma in the edge region of a fusion device. New spectroscopic measurements combined with state-of-the-art spectroscopic simulation made this ...

High performance graphene-based catalysts

NUS scientists have developed design guidelines that increase the catalytic effectiveness of graphene-based solid state catalysts for potential industry applications.

Individual impurity atoms detectable in graphene

A team including physicists from the University of Basel has succeeded in using atomic force microscopy to obtain clear images of individual impurity atoms in graphene ribbons. Thanks to the forces measured in the graphene's ...

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