Computer simulation models potential asteroid collisions

An asteroid impact can be enough to ruin anyone's day, but several small factors can make the difference between an out-of-this-world story and total annihilation. In AIP Advances, a researcher from the National Institute ...

Study: 'Photosynthetic' algae can survive the dark

More than 66 million years ago, an asteroid impact led to the extinction of almost three-quarters of life on Earth. The little life that was left had to struggle, and research into its tenacity can provide key insights into ...

Seeing deeper with atmospheric muons: From archaeology to geology

Muon imaging, or "muography," may be a niche field, but with uses in probing both man-made and natural structures, its appeal is expanding rapidly. A new open-access review published in Reviews in Physics by Lorenzo Bonechi ...

What's in a flame? The surprising mystery of how soot forms

Soot is one of the world's worst contributors to climate change. Its impact is similar to global methane emissions and is second only to carbon dioxide in its destructive potential. This is because soot particles absorb solar ...

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