Apollo 16: What young really means on the moon

(PhysOrg.com) -- One of the main goals of the Apollo 16 mission was to explore and sample a young bright-rayed crater aptly named North Ray crater (890 m diameter). Its high reflectivity is due to its young age.

Getting WISE About Nemesis

Is our Sun part of a binary star system? An unseen companion star, nicknamed 'Nemesis,' may be sending comets towards Earth. If Nemesis exists, NASA's new WISE telescope should be able to spot it.

Dinosaur-Killer was Soft on Algae

The asteroid impact that many researchers claim was the cause of the dinosaur die-off was bad news for marine life at the time as well. But new research shows that microalgae - one of the primary producers in the ocean - ...

Building resilient farmlands in the Midwest

In the Midwest, climate change has battered states with flooding, drought and erosion. Extreme weather events have made for unpredictable crop yields.

Extreme flash droughts will continue into the future

In the summer of 2020, an extreme flash drought event broke out over the southeastern coastal region of China, which had serious impacts on local agriculture and the environment. It was identified as one of the top 10 extreme ...

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