Scientists put a pox on dog cancer

Researchers report that myxoma – a pox virus that afflicts rabbits but not humans, dogs or any other vertebrates so far studied – infects several different types of canine cancer cells in cell culture while sparing healthy ...

The DNA thief

Evolutionarily speaking, we humans are doing pretty well. Over the last few million years, we've developed big brains, social structures and more recently, culture, cities, philosophy, airplanes and the Internet. So far, ...

Immune and circulatory systems are integrated in insects

Biologists have found solid proof that among the insect tree of life, the relationship between the immune and circulatory systems is consistent. The discovery will help researchers understand how insects—including the relatively ...

Immune system compromised during spaceflight, study finds

Astronauts are known to have a higher risk of getting sick compared to their Earth-bound peers. The stresses that go with weightlessness, confined crew quarters, being away from family and friends and a busy work schedule ...

Some frogs are adapting to deadly pathogen, according to study

Some populations of frogs are rapidly adapting to a fungal pathogen called Batrachochrytrium dendrobatridis (Bd) that has decimated many populations for close to half a century and causes the disease chytridiomycosis, according ...

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