UK prejudice against immigrants amongst lowest in Europe

According to analysis of the largest public European and international surveys of human beliefs and values, prejudice against immigrants in the UK is rare and comparable with that in other wealthy EU and Anglophone nations. ...

High-skilled visa requests likely to exceed supply

The U.S. Homeland Security Department expects applications for high-skilled immigration visas to outpace the available supply in a matter of days, one of the fastest runs on the much-sought-after work permits in years and ...

Microsoft suggests charging employers for extra worker visas

Faced with 6,000 job openings and a Congress unresponsive to admitting more skilled workers from overseas, Microsoft on Thursday offered what it hopes will be a twofer solution: charging employers hundreds of millions of ...

Outside help for social security

( -- Professor proposes an idea that would address both the problems of illegal immigration and Social Security.

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