Foreign students fear deportation over Trump visa threat

Pakistani student Taimoor Ahmed is one of hundreds of thousands of foreigners enrolled in American universities now fearing for their future after Donald Trump's administration threatened to revoke their visas.

Culturally responsive teaching in a globalized world

Classrooms in many parts of the world are increasingly diverse. International migration patterns have significantly changed the cultural make-up of many industrialized societies and, by extension, their school-aged populations.

Too busy for the PTA, but working-class parents care

There is a persistent perception among public high school administrators and staff that working-class immigrant parents are disinterested and uninvolved in their children's education.

Immigrant youth help to build nations

Immigrants and refugees, especially those from developing nations, are often portrayed by segments of the media and policy makers as an economic burden, a threat to our social cohesion and "our way of life."

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