The challenge of migration

Canada has used immigration as a population expansion policy resulting in the country’s highly diverse society. And often among the challenges brought on by large-scale immigration, are individual stories of struggle ...

When highly skilled immigrants move in, natives move out

( -- In the first study to measure the temporary impact of highly skilled immigrants on native populations, University of Notre Dame Economist Abigail Wozniak and Fairfield University’s Thomas J. Murray — ...

Immigrant youth help to build nations

Immigrants and refugees, especially those from developing nations, are often portrayed by segments of the media and policy makers as an economic burden, a threat to our social cohesion and "our way of life."

Population policy to impact emissions targets

Current immigration rates into Australia, and associated projected population growth, will make greenhouse gas emissions targets even more difficult to achieve in the future, a University of Adelaide-led study has found.

Major report finds poverty absent from political debate

With the economy once again dominating media coverage and public anxiety in the lead-up to the federal election, a new campaign by leading academics is urging Australians to consider how decisions on expenditure will affect ...

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