Related topics: nasa

Webb spotlights gravitational arcs in 'El Gordo' galaxy cluster

A new image of the galaxy cluster known as "El Gordo" is revealing distant and dusty objects never seen before, and providing a bounty of fresh science. The infrared image, taken by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, displays ...

Using sound waves to image nanostructures

The potential of an ultrafast form of transmission electron microscopy to measure sound waves in nanostructures has been demonstrated by three RIKEN physicists. This could help realize a high-resolution imaging method that ...

New study uncover nuclear spin's impact on biological processes

A research team led by Prof. Yossi Paltiel at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem with groups from HUJI, Weizmann and IST Austria has published a new study that reveals the influence of nuclear spin on biological processes. ...

Complex-domain neural network advances large-scale coherent imaging

Computational imaging has the potential to revolutionize optical imaging by providing wide field-of-view and high-resolution capabilities. Joint reconstruction of amplitude and phase—known as "coherent imaging or holographic ...

The Pacific slope of Peru is greening, but it's not good news

Research led by physicists and geographers at the University of Cambridge has unveiled some large-scale changes in the vegetation in the South American Andes which may have dramatic impact on the environment and ecosystems ...

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