A Multi-Layered Display with Water Drops (w/ Video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- AquaLux 3D, a new projection technology developed at Carnegie Mellon University's Robotics Institute, can target light onto and between individual water droplets, enabling text, video and other moving or ...

Scientists claim new glasses-free 3D for cellphone (w/ video)

Fancy watching a movie on your mobile phone, where figures leap out from the screen in 3D, rather as Princess Leia did in that scene from "Star Wars"? That's the claim made by US researchers, who on Wednesday reported they ...

Destroyed ancient temple now open for virtual exploration

Five years after its destruction, the ancient Temple of Bel in Palmyra, Syria has been digitally reconstructed by the UC San Diego Library's Digital Media Lab using cutting-edge 3-D methods and artificial intelligence applications.

Physicists demonstrate rotated light images

(PhysOrg.com) -- In what might at first seem obvious, but isn't after further thinking, a group of physicists from the United States and Canada have demonstrated, for the first time, that images generated by light, can be ...

Cassini spots mini Nile River on Saturn moon Titan

(Phys.org)—The international Cassini mission has spotted what appears to be a miniature extraterrestrial version of the Nile River: a river valley on Saturn's moon Titan that stretches more than 400 km from its 'headwaters' ...

Technology brings new insights to ancient language

(PhysOrg.com) -- New technologies and academic collaborations are helping scholars at the University of Chicago analyze hundreds of ancient documents in Aramaic, one of the Middle East's oldest continuously spoken and written ...

Image-processing 1,000 times faster is goal of new $5M contract

Loosely inspired by a biological brain's approach to making sense of visual information, a University of Michigan researcher is leading a project to build alternative computer hardware that could process images and video ...

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