Tracking marine plastic drift from space

Every 60 seconds the equivalent of a truckload of plastic enters the global ocean. Where does it end up? Right now, researchers simply don't know. But in a bid to help find out, an ESA-led project developed floating transmitters ...

'Yellowballs' offer new insights into star formation

A serendipitous discovery by citizen scientists has provided a unique new window into the diverse environments that produce stars and star clusters, revealing the presence of "stellar nurseries" before infant stars emerge ...

Using drones to better predict urban flooding

The University of Luxembourg and the start-up RSS-Hydro are working together to optimize the prediction of flooding in Burange in the south of Luxembourg. Supported by the City of Dudelange, the project aims at building a ...

Destroyed ancient temple now open for virtual exploration

Five years after its destruction, the ancient Temple of Bel in Palmyra, Syria has been digitally reconstructed by the UC San Diego Library's Digital Media Lab using cutting-edge 3-D methods and artificial intelligence applications.

Lunar library to include photos, books stored in DNA

People who have submitted photos to the #MemoriesInDNA project have selected images of family members, favorite places and tasty food that will be preserved for years in the form of synthetic DNA. Now this collection—which ...

New technology for dynamic projection mapping

It has been thought technically difficult to achieve projection mapping onto a moving/rotating object so that images look as though they are fixed to the object.

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