Semantic cache for AI-enabled image analysis

The availability of high-resolution, inexpensive sensors has exponentially increased the amount of data being produced, which could overwhelm the existing Internet. This has led to the need for computing capacity to process ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Trami U-turning

Tropical Storm Trami appears to be a very large storm in infrared data from NASA's Aqua satellite. In a NASA image, Trami appears to be about two-thirds the size of the Philippines. Satellite data also indicates that the ...

Image: NGC 6946, "the fireworks galaxy"

NGC 6946 is a medium-sized, face-on spiral galaxy about 22 million light years away from Earth. In the past century, eight supernovas have been observed to explode in the arms of this galaxy.

Celeste: A new model for cataloging the universe

The roots of tradition run deep in astronomy. From Galileo and Copernicus to Hubble and Hawking, scientists and philosophers have been pondering the mysteries of the universe for centuries, scanning the sky with methods and ...

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