Related topics: brain

Webb reveals distorted galaxy forming cosmic question mark

It's 7 billion years ago, and the universe's heyday of star formation is beginning to slow. What might our Milky Way galaxy have looked like at that time? Astronomers using NASA's James Webb Space Telescope have found clues ...

New, highly tunable composite materials—with a twist

Watch for the patterns created as the circles move across each other. Those patterns, created by two sets of lines offset from each other, are called moiré (pronounced mwar-AY) effects. As optical illusions, moiré patterns ...

A solar illusion: Coronal loops may not be what they seem

Many coronal loops—ropey strands of plasma that scientists have long thought existed in the Sun's atmosphere—may actually be optical illusions, according to a new paper that challenges prevailing assumptions of what we ...

Guppies found to be susceptible to optical illusions

A team of researchers working at the University of Padova, in Italy, has found that like humans and many other animals, guppies are susceptible to optical illusions. In their paper published in the journal Biology Letters, ...

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