Image: Enceladus and its paper-thin crust

Of all the icy moons in the Solar System, Saturn's moon Enceladus is probably the 'hottest' when measured for its potential to host life. Despite its distance from Earth, it may also be the easiest to investigate.

Radio signals from Jupiter could aid search for life

Powerful radio signals that Jupiter generates could be used to help researchers scan its giant moons for oceans that could be home to extraterrestrial life, according to a recent study submitted to the journal Icarus.

Barnacles explain life at the extreme

Barnacles—a type of marine crustacean—are highly adaptable animals. Unlike many other groups that prefer quieter waters, they like areas with a lot of activity, are hardy against dry spells that sometimes occur in tidal ...

Gas insulation could be protecting an ocean inside Pluto

A gassy insulating layer beneath the icy surfaces of distant celestial objects could mean there are more oceans in the universe than previously thought. Computer simulations provide compelling evidence that an insulating ...

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