Is this the end of the A-68A iceberg?

Satellite images have revealed that the once colossal A-68A iceberg has had yet another shattering experience. Several large cracks were spotted in the berg last week and it has since broken into multiple pieces. These little ...

Using AI to track icebergs

Researchers are using a new AI tool to detect icebergs in the Southern Ocean. This is the first step in being able to track the complete life cycle of most icebergs across Antarctica from satellite data. The study, "Unsupervised ...

Icebergs once drifted to Florida, new climate model suggests

Using a first-of-its-kind, high-resolution numerical model to describe ocean circulation during the last ice age about 21,000 year ago, oceanographer Alan Condron of the University of Massachusetts Amherst has shown that ...

Vast iceberg breaks off near UK Antarctic base

Satellite imagery confirms an enormous iceberg, around five times the size of Malta, has finally calved from Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf. The new berg, estimated to be around 1550 sq km and around 150 m thick, calved when ...

A68 iceberg heads toward sub-Antarctic island South Georgia

An iceberg is heading towards the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia. A68a—the size of the UK county of Somerset—broke off from the Larsen C ice shelf in 2017 and has been drifting north ever since. If it becomes grounded ...

Earth from Space: Icebreaker event

( -- This animation, made up of eight Envisat radar images, shows the 97-km long B-9B iceberg (right) ramming into the Mertz Glacier Tongue in Eastern Antarctica in early February. The collision caused a chunk ...

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