Ice scientists study the birth of an iceberg

The moment of birth of an iceberg has been analysed in detail for the first time. A team of scientists from the University of St Andrews and Aberystwyth University has completed a detailed and thorough survey of the interface ...

Antarctic rift subject of international attention

As NASA's Operation IceBridge resumed Antarctic science flights on Oct. 12, 2012, researchers worldwide had their eyes on Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier ice shelf, the site of a large rift measured during last year's campaign. ...

More ice breaks off of Petermann Glacier

( -- The Petermann Glacier grinds and slides toward the sea along the northwestern coast of Greenland, terminating in a giant floating ice tongue. Like other glaciers that end in the ocean, Petermann periodically ...

Russian scientists in quest to find elusive white orca

A team of Russian scientists say they will embark on a quest next week to observe the only all-white, adult killer whale ever spotted -- a majestic and elusive bull they have named Iceberg.

Breaking the ice on icebergs

( -- Icebergs are a natural and beautiful part of Earth's cryosphere, and are closely monitored and studied by scientists around the world.

Paint and bombs try to save ships from Titanic fate

We've painted them, tagged them, bombed them, monitored them with radar and watched them from space -- but icebergs like the one that sank the Titanic are still a threat to ships today.

The iceberg’s accomplice: Did the moon sink the Titanic?

( -- The sinking of the ocean liner Titanic 100 years ago is perhaps the most famous--and most studied--disaster of the 20th century. Countless books and movies have examined in great detail the actions, choices ...

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