Paint and bombs try to save ships from Titanic fate

We've painted them, tagged them, bombed them, monitored them with radar and watched them from space -- but icebergs like the one that sank the Titanic are still a threat to ships today.

New model simulates the tsunamis caused by iceberg calving

A team of scientists has developed a new model for simulating both iceberg calving and the tsunamis that are triggered as a result. Their method can help improve hazard assessment in coastal areas and refine the empirical ...

Gyrfalcons make icebergs home

Back in World War II there was a clever idea to use icebergs as floating aircraft carriers, but now we know birds of prey got there first.

Climate models don't tell the full story

( -- Climate models that predict heavy rainfall don’t give the whole picture, according to the results of a study by NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research) scientist Martin Ziegler. He examined ...

Ships warned about icebergs headed for New Zealand

(AP) -- Ships are on alert and maritime authorities are monitoring the movements of hundreds of menacing icebergs drifting toward New Zealand in the southern Pacific Ocean, officials said.

Russian scientists in quest to find elusive white orca

A team of Russian scientists say they will embark on a quest next week to observe the only all-white, adult killer whale ever spotted -- a majestic and elusive bull they have named Iceberg.

Researchers unravel the drivers of large iceberg movement

When, in the foreseeable future, a tabular iceberg nearly seven times the size of Berlin breaks off the Larsen C Ice Shelf in the Antarctic, it will begin a journey, the course of which climate researchers at the Alfred Wegener ...

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