Bubbles from glacier ice turn up the noise in Alaska fjords

Glaciologist Erin Pettit began a research project to find out what humpback whales heard when a big piece of ice falls from a glacier and crashes into the ocean. But the sound generated by ice drifting in the water turned ...

Antarctica's retreating ice may re-shape Earth

(AP)—From the ground in this extreme northern part of Antarctica, spectacularly white and blinding ice seems to extend forever. What can't be seen is the battle raging underfoot to re-shape Earth.

Melting glaciers have big carbon impact, study shows

As the Earth warms and glaciers all over the world begin to melt, researchers and public policy experts have focused largely on how all of that extra water will contribute to sea level rise.

Sea-level surge at Antarctica linked to icesheet loss

Sea levels around Antarctica have been rising a third faster than the global average, a clear sign of high meltwater runoff from the continent's icesheet, scientists said on Sunday.

New method forecasts Arctic sea ice melt

(Phys.org) —Arctic sea ice coverage will continue to recover this year from the all-time low of summer 2012, according to experts at the University of Reading.

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