Atmospheric rivers linked to melting Greenland ice sheet

Atmospheric rivers—long, concentrated flows of moisture in the sky—are a key factor in the complex conditions accelerating glacial melting over northern Greenland, according to new research from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Antarctica sea ice melts to a record low

The Antarctic Ocean area covered by ice has shrunk to a record low, exposing the thicker ice shelves buttressing Antarctica's ground ice sheet to waves and warmer temperatures, scientists reported Thursday.

Glass microspheres aren't the answer for saving Arctic sea ice

A proposal to cover Arctic sea ice with layers of tiny hollow glass spheres about the thickness of one human hair would actually accelerate sea-ice loss and warm the climate rather than creating thick ice and lowering the ...

Are we missing a crucial component of sea-level rise?

Recent efforts using computational modeling to understand how melting ice in Antarctica will impact the planet's oceans have focused on ice-sheet geometry, fracture, and surface melting—processes that could potentially ...

Austrian scientists race to reveal melting glaciers' secrets

Jumping from rock to rock to rock over a creek formed off Austria's Jamtal glacier, scientist Andrea Fischer worries that precious scientific data will be irreversibly lost as the snow and ice melt faster than ever.

Tropical storms trigger Antarctic ice melt

New factors have been identified which contribute to record-high temperatures and ice melt over the eastern Antarctic Peninsula and Larsen C Ice Shelf.

Seawater seep may be speeding glacier melt, sea level rise

The melting of ice sheets at the points where they float on and along the world's oceans is a major climate culprit when it comes to sea level rise. But less is understood about the extent of melting that is due to warm, ...

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