Scientists map freshwater transport in the Arctic Ocean

The Ob, Yenisei, and Lena rivers flow into the Kara and Laptev seas and account for about half of the total freshwater runoff to the Arctic Ocean. The transport and transformation of freshwater discharge in these seas have ...

Biphilic surfaces reduce defrosting times in heat exchangers

Ice formation and accumulation are challenging concerns for several industrial applications including heating ventilation air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems, aircraft, energy transmission, and transportation ...

Polymers to the rescue! Saving cells from damaging ice

Cell therapies hold great promise for revolutionizing the treatment of cancers and autoimmune diseases. But this multibillion-dollar industry requires long-term storage of cells at super-cold cryogenic conditions, while ensuring ...

Can Arctic 'ice management' combat climate change?

According to a much-debated geo-engineering approach, both sea-ice retreat and global warming could be slowed by using millions of wind-powered pumps, drifting in the sea ice, to promote ice formation during the Arctic winter. ...

Research unravels mystery of how early animals survived ice age

How did life survive the most severe ice age? A McGill University-led research team has found the first direct evidence that glacial meltwater provided a crucial lifeline to eukaryotes during Snowball Earth, when the oceans ...

Turbulence creates ice in clouds

Vertical air motions increase ice formation in mixed-phase clouds. This correlation was predicted theoretically for a long time, but can now be observed for the first time in nature. This research was published by a team ...

Swiss hold high-altitude wake for lost glacier

Dozens of people dressed in black went on a "funeral march" up a steep Swiss mountainside on Sunday to mark the disappearance of an Alpine glacier amid growing global alarm over climate change.

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