Ice cream goes Southern, okra extracts may increase shelf-life

While okra has been widely used as a vegetable for soups and stews, a new study in the Journal of Food Science, published by the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), shows how okra extracts can be used as a stabilizer in ...

Research masters the misunderstood mixed-phase cloud

They are ice, they are rain—and sometimes in-between. Mixed-phase clouds, ubiquitous in the Arctic, are an enigma for scientists trying to understand their role in affecting the climate. In a study led by Dr. Mikhail Ovchinnikov ...

Fine-tuning cloud models for improved climate predictions

Arctic clouds are widespread and play an important role in climate, but different models have produced widely varying predictions about the properties of these clouds. This study analyzes simulations of Arctic clouds by 11 ...

Electric-blue clouds appear over Antarctica

Data from NASA's AIM spacecraft show that noctilucent clouds are like a great "geophysical light bulb." They turn on every year in late spring, reaching almost full intensity over a period of no more than 5 to 10 days.

Why it snows so much in the frozen North

( —When it doesn't show signs of stopping, most of us just mumble a few choice words and get out the snow shovel. Scientists, however, wonder where all that snow is coming from, particularly in pristine places ...

Boeing advises about engine icing problems

Boeing is alerting airlines about possible engine icing problems on some of its new planes. It is recommending that planes with a specific General Electric engine avoid flying near thunderstorms that might contain ice crystals.

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