IBM could shake up Silicon Valley with Sun deal (Update 2)

(AP) -- If IBM Corp. scoops up Sun Microsystems Inc. for at least $6.5 billion in cash, as the companies are discussing, IBM would be making an opportunistic grab for a deep well of technology that Sun has nearly buried ...

Scientists Track Heat in Tiny Rolls of Carbon Atoms

( -- IBM Research scientists today announced a landmark study in the field of nanoelectronics; the development and demonstration of novel techniques to measure the distribution of energy and heat in powered carbon ...

IBM announces development of 127-qubit quantum processor

IBM has announced the development of a 127-qubit quantum processor, both on its IBM Quantum page and during IBM Quantum Summit 2021. As part of its announcement, IBM also announced that computers running the new processor ...

New machine learning technology explores circadian rhythms

We all have an internal clock but what makes us tick? Scientists at the Earlham Institute and IBM Research have developed new artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology to understand how gene expression ...

IBM announces AI based chemistry lab: RoboRXN

IBM has announced on its blog page the development of an AI/cloud-based chemistry lab named RoboRXN. Its purpose is to help chemists develop new materials in a faster and more efficient way than the current trial-and-error ...

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