Far-future astronomers could still deduce the Big Bang

(PhysOrg.com) -- One trillion years from now, an alien astronomer in our galaxy will have a difficult time figuring out how the universe began. They won't have the evidence that we enjoy today.

How do stars go rogue?

Rogue stars are moving so quickly they're leaving the Milky Way, and never coming back. How in the universe could this happen?

Image: Hypervelocity impact test damage

An aluminium plate, ripped inwards by a single sand grain-sized fleck of aluminium oxide shot at it during hypervelocity testing.

Can super-fast stars unveil dark matter's secrets?

Zoom! A star was recently spotted speeding at 1.4 million miles an hour (2.2 million km/hr), which happened to be the closest and second-brightest of the so-called "hypervelocity" stars found so far.

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