Gaia spots stars flying between galaxies

A team of Leiden astronomers used the latest set of data from ESA's Gaia mission to look for high-velocity stars being kicked out of the Milky Way, but were surprised to find stars instead sprinting inwards – perhaps from ...

Hyperfast Star Was Booted from Milky Way

( -- NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has detected a hypervelocity star - a rare entity moving three times faster than our sun.

Runaway planets zoom at a fraction of light speed

Seven years ago, astronomers boggled when they found the first runaway star flying out of our Galaxy at a speed of 1.5 million miles per hour. The discovery intrigued theorists, who wondered: If a star can get tossed outward ...

How do stars go rogue?

Rogue stars are moving so quickly they're leaving the Milky Way, and never coming back. How in the universe could this happen?

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