US hypersonic glider flunks first test flight

US military scientists lost contact with a hypersonic glider nine minutes into its inaugural test flight last week, a defense research agency said on Tuesday.

US looks for answers after hypersonic plane fails

Pentagon scientists on Friday acknowledged they were puzzled by the failed flight test of an experimental hypersonic plane and said they were trying to understand what went wrong.

Contact lost with hypersonic glider after launch (Update)

An unmanned hypersonic glider developed for U.S. defense research into super-fast global strike capability was launched atop a rocket early Thursday but contact was lost after the experimental craft began flying on its own, ...

US, Russia, China race to develop hypersonic weapons

Russia and China have recently touted their progress in developing hypersonic vehicles, which fly much faster than the speed of sound, which is 767 mph. Hypersonic missiles are rocket-boosted to high altitude and may be launched ...

Future hypersonics could be artificially intelligent

A test launch for a hypersonic weapon—a long-range missile that flies a mile per second and faster—takes weeks of planning. So, while the U.S. and other states are racing to deploy hypersonic technologies, it remains ...

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