Related topics: microorganisms

The riddle of life's single-handedness

Try shaking a colleague's left hand with your right hand. It just doesn't work, does it? Your right palm and her or his left palm cannot mesh comfortably because hands are chiral objects, having non-superimposable mirror ...

Nanoparticles reboot blood flow in brain

A nanoparticle developed at Rice University and tested in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) may bring great benefits to the emergency treatment of brain-injury victims, even those with mild injuries.

Pocket test measures 50 things in a drop of blood

(—A new device about the size of a business card could allow health care providers to test for insulin and other blood proteins, cholesterol, and even signs of viral or bacterial infection all at the same time—with ...

Controlling electron spin makes water splitting more efficient

One of the main obstacles in the production of hydrogen through water splitting is that hydrogen peroxide is also formed, which affects the efficiency stability of the reaction and the stability of the production. Dutch and ...

Cleaning our water with groundbreaking 'bioinspired' chemistry

The 20th and 21st centuries have seen an explosion in the use of synthetic chemicals worldwide, including pesticides, medications and household cleaners—many of which end up in our waterways. Even in small amounts these ...

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