Related topics: microorganisms

Artificial microswimmers work together like bacteria

Microscopic swimmers such as bacteria do not always swim alone. There are advantages to exchanging information and cooperating. Stefania Ketzetzi and colleagues now show in Nature Communications that human-made microswimmers, ...

Paper discs that can pick up hydrogen peroxide

Researchers at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) have developed a paper-based sensor for detecting even tiny volumes of hydrogen peroxide. This chemical is used widely in household and healthcare products like hand sanitizer ...

A 'greener' way to clean wastewater treatment filters

Membrane filters don't require much energy to purify water, making them popular for wastewater treatment. To keep these materials in tip-top condition, they're commonly cleaned with large amounts of strong chemicals, but ...

Recent algae discovery gives clues to boost biofuel production

A new study from the Michigan State University-Department of Energy (DOE) Plant Research Laboratory (PRL) shows how some algae can protect themselves when the oxygen they produce impairs their photosynthetic activity. The ...

How C. elegans worms avoid getting poisoned

Javier Apfeld approached the question like a worm detective. Except, instead of solving a wiggly creature's murder, the biologist was trying to understand why worms didn't die, despite a deadly toxin's common presence in ...

Copper-based chemicals may be contributing to ozone depletion

Copper released into the environment from fungicides, brake pads, antifouling paints on boats and other sources may be contributing significantly to stratospheric ozone depletion, according to a new study from the University ...

'Nanozyme' therapy prevents harmful dental plaque build-up

A growing body of evidence points to a link between iron-deficiency anemia and severe tooth decay. Whether the connection is correlative or causative is unknown, though both conditions are associated with poor diets and are ...

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