New navsat sensor improves water monitoring

( -- The start-up company Star2Earth, reared in the ESA Business Incubation Centre in the Netherlands, will improve electricity production from a hydroelectric plant on Lake Laja in Chile by using navigation satellite ...

Central China drought worst in over 50 years: reports

Central China's worst drought in more than 50 years is drying reservoirs, stalling rice planting, and threatens crippling power shortages as hydroelectric output slows, state media said Wednesday.

Virtual power plants for renewable energies

Siemens recently put two virtual power plants into operation. Virtual power plants are networks of several small power stations that are run like a single system. One of the new virtual power plants enables the Munich municipal ...

Low-carbon technologies 'no quick-fix', say researchers

Could replacing coal-fired electricity plants with generators fueled by natural gas bring global warming to a halt in this century? What about rapid construction of massive numbers of solar or wind farms, hydroelectric dams, ...

New method for estimating cost of small hydropower projects

In developing countries such as India, small hydroelectric power (SHP) projects represent a potentially large but largely untapped source of energy, primarily because the cost of constructing the sites is thought to be higher ...

Climate change is impacting California, report says

Coastal waters off California are getting more acidic. Fall-run chinook salmon populations to the Sacramento River are on the decline. Conifer forests on the lower slopes of the Sierra Nevada have moved to higher elevations ...

Drought sees Rio's main hydro plant turned off

A major Rio hydroelectric power plant was switched off after water levels slipped below an operational minimum following severe drought, Brazil's national grid told AFP on Thursday.

Hydroelectric dams take toll on endangered big cats, study shows

Big cats are among the most widespread top predators on Earth. Lions stalk zebra in the African savanna, tigers ambush antelope in the forests of Asia and jaguars hunt deer in the jungles of South America. They play an important ...

New Panama law bans mining on native land

Panamanian President Ricardo Martinelli enacted a law Monday that prohibits mining on indigenous lands and requires that local native authorities be consulted before work can begin on new hydroelectric plants.

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