The Bloodhound SSC: Faster than a speeding bullet

Twenty-nine years ago today, Richard Noble in Thrust2 broke the land speed record for Britain at 633.468 mph in October 1983. That day saw the start of my love affair with the land speed record. Again in September 1997 Richard ...

Hybrid technology moves from road to water

Hybrid engines aren't just for cars anymore. Hybrid engine systems are slowly catching on with environmentally conscious sailors, replacing less-fuel efficient diesel motors on sailboats.

China's drive for 'green' cars hits roadblocks

Foreign and domestic car makers are struggling to sell environmentally friendly vehicles in China, the world's largest auto market, even as Beijing pumps billions into clean energy.

Volt: GM's car of the future?

The Chevrolet Volt is many things: an attention grabber, a potential cure for an oil dependent nation - the list goes on.

F1 gearing up for new 'green' and 'cool' future

Formula One is preparing itself for a period of progressive change towards greater fuel efficiency, clearer 'green' credentials and much bigger popularity with car makers and racing fans.

Toyota's Japan hybrid sales top one million

Toyota Motor said Friday that its hybrid vehicle sales in Japan had topped the one million mark and worldwide it had sold 2.68 million of the vehicles by the end of July.

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