Zambia lifts ban on hunting of big cats

Zambia has lifted a ban on the hunting of big cats that was imposed over allegations of corruption in the awarding of government hunting concessions, officials said Wednesday.

Malta votes whether to ban hunting of migrant birds

Malta votes in a referendum Saturday which could spell an end to the long tradition of spring hunting in which birds migrating across the Mediterranean are killed before they can breed.

Dolphin hunting season kicks off in Japan

The controversial six-month dolphin hunting season began on Monday in the infamous town of Taiji, but bad weather would delay any killing, a local official told AFP.

Influenza virus in wild birds in Norway

Ducks and gulls are the natural hosts of influenza A virus. Ragnhild Tønnessen's PhD research project has characterised influenza A viruses in gulls and ducks in Norway.

Australia in push to outlaw Japan whale hunt

Australia's Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus said Sunday he was hopeful the government would win its case against Japan's "scientific" whaling which begins this week in the International Court of Justice.

In chimpanzees, hunting and meat-eating is a man's business

( —Observations of hunting and meat eating in our closest living relatives, chimpanzees, suggest that regular inclusion of meat in the diet is not a characteristic unique to Homo. Wild chimpanzees are known to ...

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