New research challenges hunter-gatherer narrative

The oft-used description of early humans as "hunter-gatherers" should be changed to "gatherer-hunters," at least in the Andes of South America, according to groundbreaking research led by a University of Wyoming archaeologist.

Space cannon to shoot payloads into orbit (w/ Video)

( -- A physicist has proposed using a 1.1 km (3,600 ft) cannon to deliver cargo into orbit, and says the cost would be around $250 per pound, a massive saving on the $5,000 per pound ($11,000 per kg) it currently ...

Birds share food with less fortunate conspecifics

People aren't the only ones who show sympathy. Birds also seem to care about the fate of conspecifics. They notice how much food the others already have and then share theirs with individuals that were not given any. "They ...

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