Related topics: brain

Gut instinct makes animals appear clever

Animals, including humans, can make surprisingly good decisions just based on the food in their stomach, new research suggests.

Conflict and climate change lead to a rise in global hunger

Last year about 11 per cent of the total human population (approximately 850 million people on the planet) suffered from daily hunger, according to a recent United Nations report on the state of food security and nutrition ...

The search for obesity drugs targets hunger's complex chemistry

Discoveries of hormones related to weight and appetite in the '90s helped spur a search for obesity treatments targeting those hormones— with disappointing results. Now scientists are taking a new tack that could finally ...

To print or not to print your meal

What about a more chewable pasta or high protein cookies made with insects? 3D printed food seems an interesting solution for healthier eating, shortening meal preparation times and even fighting world hunger. But an avant-garde ...

UN: Fewer hungry people in the world despite wars, poverty

The number of hungry people around the world has dropped to 795 million from over a billion a quarter-century ago despite natural disasters, ongoing conflicts and poverty, the three U.N. food agencies said Wednesday.

JRC thematic report: Science for food

The JRC has released a new report on its scientific support to EU's "from farm to fork" policy which ensures Europeans enjoy safe and nutritious food, while facilitating the food industry to work under the best possible conditions. ...

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