Scientists measure severity of drought during the Maya collapse

The severity of drought conditions during the demise of the Maya civilisation about one thousand years ago has been quantified, representing another piece of evidence that could be used to solve the longstanding mystery of ...

Scientists nail vandals of 800-year-old scroll

More than 800 years ago, a teenaged soldier named Laurentius Loricatus accidentally killed a man. He spent the next three decades repenting alone in an Italian cave, self-flagellating.

Fuel cells with PFIA-membranes

HZB scientists have teamed up with partners of 3M Company in order to explore the water management in an alternative proton exchange membrane type, called PFIA. The experiments have been conducted using the infrared facilities ...

'Jumping film' harnesses the power of humidity

Scientists from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS) and the University of Tokyo have developed a film that curls up and straightens out autonomously when exposed to tiny, barely measurable changes in ambient ...

An innovative air conditioning system enabling 27 percent savings

Tecnalia is leading the development of an innovative air conditioning system enabling savings of 27% to be made. The system that goes by the name Hybrid Liquid Desiccant System-HLDS combines the technology of liquid desiccants ...

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