Environmental human DNA offers new opportunities for public good

In May, University of Florida scientists announced that they had unearthed high-quality, information-rich human DNA from nearly every spot they could think of. Rivers, beaches, oceans—even vacuumed up from the air.

Physicists use hair fluorescence to repurpose human hair waste

Physicists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed an innovative method of converting human hair waste into a functional material that can be used to encrypt sensitive information or detect environmental ...

As prices soar, Japan returns to human waste fertilizer

It's cheap, recycled, and has centuries of tradition: "shimogoe" or "fertilizer from a person's bottom" is finding new favor in Japan as Ukraine's war hikes the price of chemical alternatives.

Coming years 'critical' to slash plastic pollution: UN

The world must halve single-use plastics and slash throwaway consumption to stem the tide of environmental pollution, according to a UN report on Tuesday that warns the next few years are critical.

Methane big part of 'alarming' rise in planet-warming gases

Methane in the atmosphere had its fourth-highest annual increase in 2022, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported, part of an overall rise in planet-warming greenhouse gases that the agency called "alarming."

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